Saturday, February 7, 2009


Everyday we are faced with choices in life.While some will be big and require a great deal of thought for the consequences could change the direction of our lives. There will be other decisions that are small with little or no thought will need be given as these are almost automatic because we have been down that road before and know what we want. Then there seems to be a gray area; one in which we will make a choice to seek action or do nothing at all but a decision will be made nonetheless....

.....see, today is Saturday, so that means chore day. I usually start my day by gathering up the dirty clothes and head off to the laundry mat. But as I was starting out the door I decided to use the bathroom before I leave as the restrooms there are not exactly the cleanest, so this was a decision that was made with ease. However, as I was sitting there doing my business it was then that I noticed.....I had put my underwear on inside was clear another decision must be made. No, it wasn't a big decision nor was it automatic for it was one of those that I thought fell into the gray area. Therefore I could seek action to correct the situation or do nothing at all. So after weighing the pros and cons of inaction and having finished my other business the time had come and the choice had been made.............Do nothing at all !

Afterall, what's the worst that could happen, someone see the tag sticking out and know, hell they may get a chuckle out of it.....I know I did (LOL). Afterall, in the grand scheme of things did it really matter ?...........NO !


  1. Hilarious! Love the graphic by the way.... I've went to work with my pants backwards and on another day two different shoes on...on both occasions I didn't realize it till almost time to go home, so you are doesn't really coworkers and I sure got a good laugh out of it :)

  2. Yep! I got a good chuckle out of your important decision! Hell, if it weren't for me Gary would walk out the door that way every day, hahaha! Ok, I'll admit it, I've done the same thing myself but it was later in the day that I'd notice and I was at work by that time so I ran around like that all day long, hehehe. Now don't go getting any ideas about running around with plumbers crack cause big sister doesn't wanna see the brown areas of a dingleberry sticking out the back. LMAO!
