When words cannot be spoken.....
I always knew that at some point this time would come but continued to look away as though somehow it would change the inevitable. But the time has come, for tomorrow has become today. There will be no need for farewell. I will merely step away and with each step taken I will fade into the background of your minds and in time become nothing more than a distant memory. It is only here, in this memory that I can be the person you need me to be. Although each of us have had a different journey in life we have shared the same path for so long, from the beginning....until now. It is from here I step off that familiar path and slowly walk away. I am not the person you think I am, I never was and I can never be.To continue on would only bring heartache and that is the last thing I would want for the people I have shared so much of my life. Sometimes it is better if things are left unsaid, so it is now I will quietly take that next step away to continue on my own journey and walk the path alone.